
Risotto with Saffron

12 oz. long grain rice
1/2 cup dry white wine
3 oz. butter
1 1/4 qts. of lean beef broth
1-in. beef marrow (optional)
1 pinch saffron
1 medium-size white onion, thinly sliced
6 tbs. Parmigiano


Dip the marrow briefly in boiling water. Chop the marrow. Brown the marrow briefly in a saucepan with 2 oz. of butter, and then add the onion. When the onion begins to get tender, add the rice and stir until it is lightly toasted and has absorbed the fat. Pour in the wine and let evaporate. Add a ladle of broth and let the rice absorb it, stirring constantly. Carry on adding broth, one ladle at a time, stirring until the rice is almost done. Allow each ladleful of broth to be absorbed before adding the next one.

Halfway through cooking (after about 6-7 mins.), dissolve the saffron in a little broth and add to the rice. Do not add in the beginning, since the saffron should not cook.

When the rice is done (al dente), turn off the heat and mix in the rest of the butter and the Parmigiano. Stir the rice well with a wooden spoon until the ingredients are blended thoroughly and the risotto is smooth. The rice grains should be fluffy, yet hold together and should not be too fluid.