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I am afraid the Italian prime minister ha crossed the line this time.

Amidst rumors of sex and drug scadal plus past bribes and tax evasion

the flamboyant Berlusconi has brought himself and the great Country of Italy to the ridiculous. The fact that he seeks immunity from the highest Court of Italy makes him look guilty. I don’t think it is possible

to govern properly with all the distraction and accusations Berlusconi

has to deal with presently.

I will never understand why rich and powerful men and women

with distinguished and highest positions do not behave responsibly and honor the Office they have been elected to do.

Especially since they know that powerful enemies lurking in every corner.

Time and again they have been brought down amidst shame and scandal and drag the family down with them.

I do not want to sound like a preacher, I’m just expressing my opinion. I am an Italian American living in USA and I know how much damage these scandals can do to the person and the Country they represent.

Thank you for listening.

A reader