

Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 19:44:28 -0800 (PST)
From: delia skidmore <>
Subject: Re: This Victory is Yours

Dear Ms. Pelosi,
I'd like to offer  my  congratulations to you as the first woman ever elected Speaker of the House.
You've made all women proud and elevated the Italian community to a respectable
and very deserving position. I'm an Italian immigrant, I came here 50 years ago
I'm proud of my heritage and thankful to the United States for having given me and millions of other Italians the opportunity to make a living in this great Country .
Ms. Pelosi,the first thing I did when the result of the elections came in was to let all
my friends at the several Italian and English website I subscribe and monitor that we had a friend in you. And they lost no time in publishing articles about you,your family and your accomplishments. Many important newspapers and TV stations in Italy also
carried the news of your election. They call you " la donna a due battiti di cuore dalla presidenza" The woman who is two heart beats away from the Presidency.
Ms. Pelosi you can count on our support for you and your "Six for '06" agenda.
Delia Socci Skidmore Is one of the site reporting your election and story of your life and your impressive political career.



Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic Leader" <> wrote:

Dear Delia,

We have so much to celebrate, so much to talk about, and so much to work on in the days and weeks ahead. But, let me start by sharing just two words with you.

Thank you.

My colleagues in the new Democratic majority - in both the House and the Senate - are in a position to lead America in a new direction and we wouldn't have this opportunity without your energy, dedication and commitment. The DCCC community, who stayed engaged day after day, who responded every time we were in need, was the heart and soul of this effort.

I want you to know that I fully appreciate the humbling responsibility that you have given to me and to all Democrats. If I am elected Speaker by my colleagues, I will take the Speaker's gavel from the special interests and place it in the hands of the children for the future of our country. Democrats are ready to lead and prepared to govern. We will take our country in a new direction. We could not have done it without you.

Your support and your partnership will be even more crucial in the period ahead than they were during all the excitement of the 2006 campaign. Together, we can set a new course for America. Nowhere did the American people make it clearer that we need a new direction than in the war in Iraq. We are committed to finding a new solution to Iraq, but we know that actions speak louder than words.

That's why we will go forward with our "Six for '06" agenda:
  • To make our country safer by implementing the 9/11 commission recommendations
  • To make our economy fairer
  • To make college and health care more affordable
  • To move toward energy independence
  • To guarantee a dignified retirement
  • To do this in a fiscally sound way with civility, integrity, and bipartisanship.
That's the kind of tangible progress that you have brought within reach by devoting yourself so enthusiastically to supporting the work of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

I've received hundreds of emails in the last few days congratulating me and the DCCC -- thank you, and congratulations to you as well. You were a part of history, and we would not have a new direction in America without you. Thank you for all you have done and for all that I know you will do as we work side-by-side to lead America forward.

With deep appreciation,

Nancy Pelosi

P.S. It wouldn't be fair to the DCCC's Chairman and leader, Rahm Emanuel and his incredible staff if I didn't add one last point. The Committee poured every available dollar into winning the majority on November 7th -- and I congratulate and thank them and most of all hope that you will stay with them. Even now, some races are not yet decided, and we need to make sure every vote is counted. Our best teams of lawyers and organizers have been dispatched -- if you can, please continue to support the DCCC today. Support the DCCC.